Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power of Scale

A dream:

On the hunt for the perfect and absolutely tiniest card. It will be filled with a sip of water and “Bridge Over Trouble Waters” will be sung.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Counting heads

I had an interesting dream a couple of weeks ago. Here is the narrative:

I open my refrigerator. I then struggle to open the crisper, which reveals a head of a cow, in a sauce of blood and tomatoes.  I then proceeded to take chicken skin and wrap the remaining beef chunks with chicken skin. 

According to, dead animal dreams are a sign of change in your personal situation. This is a broad interpretation, but it is inline as I just moved apartments at the time of the dream. 

The last time I saw a cow head in the refrigerator was in graduate school.  One of my colleagues was making paintings of cow heads and kept one in the communal fridge as reference material.   
It’s funny to see this connecting for me, profound experiences seem to have no boundaries in the land of dreams. 

Dream on!